The solution

Vintel® aids decision-making throughout the season

Vintel® is the most complete decision support tool for viticulture. Vintel® is a collaborative application that brings together different users: the screens offer an approach to the plot thanks to a cartographic view and a synthetic and global approach to the vineyard via a dashboard. From the winegrower to his advisor, from the vineyard manager to his members, from the cultivation manager to the director, everyone has access to Vintel® indicators with the appropriate granularity.

  • Disease
  • Water
  • Nitrogen
  • Frost
  • Interoperability

Diseases, for powdery mildew and downy mildew

In a context of variable vintages in terms of sanitary pressure, it is economical to adjust fungicide doses. For organic and biocontrol itineraries, repeat treatments are closely linked to weather conditions: Vintel® helps you plan and adjust your strategy. For example, Vintel® saves on the1st treatment, depending on the year.

  • Predicting the risks of vintage diseases
  • Visualize the sensitivity of the vines
  • Anticipate the renewal of protections
  • Check spray conditions depending on the weather
  • Treat at the right time, at the right dose and in the right place


Up to 40% reduction on irrigation water according to a study by the University of Udine in Italy. The winegrower makes informed decisions regarding irrigation, in accordance with the desired wine profile, thanks to recommendations adapted to soil and climatic conditions and with a view to saving resources.

  • Visualize water stress and heat waves
  • Anticipate grass cover competition
  • Follow personalized irrigation recommendations
  • Bring the right amount of water at the right time
  • Compare water status vintage after vintage


Nitrogen fertilization strategies and practices are quantified in relation to the vine’s needs in order to anticipate nitrogen stress and poor reserves. The consumption and restitution of grass cover are simulated: sowing and destruction dates are thus better reasoned. Vintel® calculates the impact of grass cover (competition for nitrogen) and the contribution of mineral and organic fertilizers and the degradation of grass cover to the nitrogen available in the soil.

  • Fertilization strategy season after season
  • Nitrogen competition from grass cover
  • Contribution of all types of fertilizers: organic, mineral, foliar etc.
  • Balance sheet of intakes and consumptions


Vintel® gives an early warning of frost risk (D+7) and estimates the potential loss so that the most appropriate means of protection can be implemented. The tool simulates the effectiveness of different means of protection to guide long-term investment choices, but also to protect vines from frost where possible.

  • Frost risk forecast
  • Simulation of yield loss according to phenology
  • Effectiveness of protective measures: candles, antifreeze tower etc.
Weenat weather station


In order to facilitate the use of local weather data, Vintel® simulations can be powered by weather data from stations on the market (Sencrop, Weenat, Pessl, Davis, etc.)

We also work with suppliers of traceability and plot management software to link up systems and avoid time-consuming double entries.

💡 Did you know?

Vintel® is the only decision-support tool covering the subjects of water, fungal diseases, nitrogen and climatic hazards.

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