Terms of use


Company name: S.A.S. ITK

Head office: ITK- 45 Allée Yves Stourdze – 34830 Clapiers (France)

Telephone: 33 (0)4 67 59 30 46

RCS of Montpellier : 44922275100025

SIREN/SIRET : 449 222 751 000 33- Code APE 7219Z

Intracommunity VAT number: FR26449222751

Publisher of the site : This website, which can be accessed at www.itk.fr, is published by itk SAS, a company with capital of 225,284.40 euros, registered with the Montpellier Trade and Companies Registry under number 44922275100025, with VAT number FR26449222751, whose registered office is at 45 Allée Yves Stourdze – 34830 Clapiers (France). Tel 33 (0)4 67 59 30 46 e-mail address: contact@itk.fr.

Owner: SAS itk

Publication manager: Aline BSAIBES, in her capacity as Managing Director of SAS ITK.

Design, webdesign and integration: Loïc SANCHEZ, as UX/UI designer

Editorial manager: Eric Jallas


Website host : The site, accessible at www.itk.fr, is hosted by OVEA, a €152,563 company, 59 rue Nelson Mandela 34070 Montpellier FRANCE, accessible at https://www.ovea.com. Tel : 04 67 67 00 00